GST Return Late Fee Online Calculator

Calculate late fees for various GST returns with due dates including NIL returns & get results under CGST & SGST with our easy to use calculator.

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GST Return Late Fee Online Calculator
Nil Return

Note: - You can change this standard GST return due date (if required)

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How to use TaxAdda GST late fee Calculator?

  1. Step-1: Select GST Return Type
  2. Step-2: Select the turnover & frequency of Return (if applicable)
  3. Step-3: Select the period for GST Return
  4. Step-4: Select whether "NIL" Return (if applicable)
  5. Step-5: Enter the expected date of filling the GST Return

Once you enter all these inputs our calculator will display the results separately for late fee under CGST & SGST each.

How is late fee on GST Return calculated?

Late fee is calculated on the basis of no.of days of delay subject to a maximum late fee. Per day late fee & maximum late fee is different for different GST Returns. Our calculator will show the late fee details according to the GST Return selected by user.

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Frequently asked questions

What is Late fee & interest under GST?

GST Department charges late fees on delay in filing GST return whereas Interest is charged on late payment of GST @ 18% from the due date of payment to the actual date of payment. The general late fee define under section 47 for various returns is Rs.200 per day subject to a maximum late fee of Rs. 10,000. if nothing is notified for a specific GST Return then general late fee will be applicable.

What is late fee on GSTR- 9 & GSTR-9C?

The late fee on GSTR-9 is based on turnover in relevant financial year. To know exact late fee read Late Fees For Various GST Returns There is no saparate late fee defined for GSTR-9C, The late fee will be charged from the due date of filling GSTR-9 to the actual date of filling GSTR-9C (if GSTR-9C applicable)

What is NIL Return under GST?

NIL return means where the total amount of CGST payable in said GST return is NIL but IGST may or may not be payable in such return. However for GSTR-5A "Nil Return" means where total IGST payable in such GST Return is NIL & for GSTR-7 NIL return means where the total amount of CGST deducted in said GST return is NIL but IGST may or may not be deducted in such return.

What is late fee on GSTR-1?

The late fee on GSTR-1 is Rs.50/- per day per return subject to a maximum fee which is based on turnover in previous financial year. To know read Late Fees For Various GST Returns Currently, GST portal is not charging any late fees on late filing of GSTR-1

What is late fee on GSTR-3B?

The late fee on GSTR-3B is Rs.50/- per day per return subject to a maximum fee which is based on turnover in previous financial year. To know read Late Fees For Various GST Returns

What is late fee on GSTR- 4?

The late fee on GSTR-4 is Rs.20/- per day for "NIl Return" per & Rs.50/- per day for other Returns subject to a maximum fee of Rs.500/- for "Nil Return" & Rs. 2000/- for othar than Nil Return.

Can late fee on GST Returns be waived by GST department?

Yes, it can be waived in general for all or for some specific class of taxpayers through notifications or other schemes issued by GST Department.

What is late fee on IFF?

IFF is an optional return for the regular taxpayer who has opted for QRMP (Quarterly Return Monthly Payment) option. There is no late fees as the option to file IFF get lapsed after the due date i.e. 13th of the month.

What is late fee on CMP-08?

There is no late fee for delayed filing of Form GST CMP-08 because it is a statement not a return. However, late filing of CMP-08 will attract interest for late deposit of GST.

What is late fee on GSTR-1A?

GSTR-1A is an optional return which you can file after filing GSTR1 but before filing GSTR3B. There is no late fee on GSTR-1A as it is optional and not mandatory.

What is late fee on GSTR- 5?

The late fee on GSTR-5 is Rs.20/- per day for "NIl Return" per & Rs.50/- per day for other Returns subject to a maximum fee of Rs.10000/-.

What is late fee on GSTR- 6?

The late fee on GSTR-6 is Rs.50/- per day per return subject to a maximum fee of Rs.10000/-.

What is late fee on GSTR- 7?

The late fee on GSTR-7 is Rs.50/- per day per return subject to a maximum fee of Rs.2000/-.

What is late fee on GSTR- 8?

The late fee on GSTR-7 is Rs.200/- per day per return subject to a maximum fee of Rs.10,000/-.

What is late fee on GSTR- 10?

The late fee on GSTR-10 is Rs.200/- per day per return subject to a maximum fee of Rs.10,000/-.